Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Story Of the Eldest Son.

Let me tell you a story.
The story of an eldest son.
The story of an eldest brother.

There was a family. Parents and fourteen siblings. Was? why? Because the parents are no more and only five of the siblings remain. Rule of Nature you see. But their stories remain. Through their children. And I am one among them here to tell a story.

Never was a birth so much celebrated as was the birth of the eldest son. A boy, you say, patriarchal society. But I say a boy who was meant to be sacrificed in the alter of family responsibilities right from his birth.

When he was only seventeen he was made to leave his studies to join work to support the huge family. Night studies? Yes, that was the plan,too much to take for a youngster. At that age he was helping his father ,financially, in getting his elder sister married.

But then the father died. Leaving the whole family on the shoulders of this young boy. He was only eighteen. And he played a father well. Rather strictly. Much needed for a brother with still five unmarried sisters. No one should dare to think them unprotected. No one should try to take advantage.

He had two other brothers too. One only one year younger. And the other a few more years. What did they do? Didn't they help too? What's their contribution to this family? Well one made himself available all the time, no doubt ,but with minimum financial help. The younger one helped to entertain the whole family,with his jokes stories, always the closest among sisters, but not a single rupee as help.

Do you think the family was thankful to the eldest son? For all the sacrifices he made. For all the sleepless nights he spent. No. These were his responsibilities. He was meant to do so. He was brought to this world to do so. He was no God. He too lost his cool. And they remembered that forgetting all other things.

There here comes the shocker. The father left a house and some valuable brass utensils they had in their possession. The eldest son could have sold all to finance the marriage of his sisters. But he thought of his brothers you see. Only to be cheated by them. These two younger brothers of him,silently, sold the house,distributed the utensils among themselves. A good return. Isn't it!! Surprised you must be. But life is that cruel you see.

And time passed.
All were well settled.
It was time for him to be happy.
With his grandson playing around his feet.
But God designed him differently.
He left this world.
Everyone cried a lot you know.
But sure some were fake cries.
They dried too soon.
Five years past in between.
They still remember him they say.
But she doubts that.
Who is she?
His daughter.
The daughter of the eldest son.

She tries to forget everything. Even the death anniversary of her father. Her father believed in celebrating life.  But her heart burns. She hides herself in the corner to cry her heart out. She remembers the last time she saw her father fine.

- Have you forgiven them? She asked.
- Yes. Her father answered.
- Do you have peace in your mind?
- Yes, at last. He said.

He died in peace.
And that is all that matters.
- They are with you,grandma ,grandfather. She thinks.
- Take good care of him now. Not because he is your eldest son. But because he is your child.

1 comment:

  1. Forgetting is painful until we are able to forgive ourselves, It is tough.
